Friday, March 23, 2012

Friday Mad Mum Moments - No use crying over forgotten milk!

I had a crappy morning earlier this week as I had another mad mum moment. Mornings are always a mad rush for me as I will need to do chauffeur duties. So that particular morning, after dropping Dumpling, I rushed off to the office and just as I was reversing into a lot, LO AND BEHOLD. GUESS WHAT I SAW?

Well, not exactly this clipart but a half finished bottle of milk! Which means that Dumpling did not have her usual amount (more so at around 100 ml only!). She usually finishes the milk at home but we left home earlier that morning and when that happens, she would usually finish it when she reaches school.

However, in my haste, I totally forgotten to take it along with us to her class and left it in the car instead! So I had to do some damage control to call the school to let her snack earlier (we packed a small sandwich for her mid morning snack time) and told my helper to feed her lunch earlier. 

You have no idea how guilty I felt the whole day not having looked after her well enough to fulfil her basic needs - food! I guess I need to remind myself S-L-O-W down and not zip around like a tornado so I do not rush over things. Sigh...

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