I personally know of many parents who delayed their girls’
CCA for as long as they could so that their daughters could attend other academic
classes instead. I’ve also had mums who asked me why we stuck to it even as the
school work gets more and more demanding each year.
So, why did I agree to let her do it then and why do I still
support her after so long?
In case you were to misunderstand, let me add that my daughter is
not in any school team nor are we remotely praying over / working towards using
Netball as a DSA. I agreed to it initially because of 1 thing: collaboration.
As Dumpling is an “only”, I was worried that she would not
know how to “work” with others, learn to share and even handle conflicts. Hence
that was what got me nodding. Along the way, this pursuit of a sport, taught
her many great things: grit, commitment (she sets alarm clock for her training),
discipline and teamwork. She’s played through sickness (high fever which we
later found out where we pulled her out to rest up), injuries (skinned knees, sore ribs) and also in the rain.
There’s been moments where she was at a plateau and she did
not seem to improve or “get it” with her ball drills / game strategies and it
would leave her (and frankly me) frustrated. But what I came to love about her
is that she always bounces back. My favourite moments “sharing” this sport with
her (I used to play this game too) is of us attending the annual Mission Cup
games (or for this year, the Asian Games) together where we’d shout
ourselves hoarse during the games supporting our team and then discuss the
brilliant moves across the court.
Dumpling started walking at 10+ months old where she’d
skipped the crawling stage entirely. It was almost like she was too impatient
to wait and she went right on to the walking stage. I am not sure if it is
because of that but she can be the most uncoordinated person at times. With this
game, she had to learn how to work around things she is not naturally strong in
and she’s had to endure the muscle fatigue and aches, sprained fingers, skinned knees, bruises and at one game at AIS,
a really sore nose.

Photo with her fav players over a span of 3 years
Her school has recently started a series of really long
training on every Saturday morning (between 4 – 5 hours and us having to reach
school at the ungodly hour of 710am!) as they are now in the midst of selecting
the school team for the next year. So, I have been getting tired over the
long hours of training and the mad rush of sending her for her violin and catechism
classes thereafter. I was sharing with a fellow mum that at times I am not sure why I am
still sending Dumpling in for such long training especially when I know we have tons of homework to clear the following day.
But I have an answer now.
Recently Dumpling had a friendly match playing against one
of the clubs that she was training with previously. She met an ex-teammate where coincidentally,
they were direct opponents. After the game, Dumpling shared with me excitedly that
her ex-teammate commented, somewhat in surprise, that Dumpling has improved a lot in speed, etc. Needless to say, Dumpling was really happy and encouraged.
So, that's why we are still supporting her after so long: it is simply to honor her love for
this sport. This strange, unwavering love of more than 3 years.
Importantly, it is also to recognise that grit and commitment, and celebrate progress.
Of course Dumpling still has many areas to work on but I am very sure that I've yet to meet many 9+YOs who's this committed to something. It is that love for the game that drives her "never-say-die" attitude, even when she faces opponents that are bigger and taller, and at times faster than her. And I, I am proud to be a mom of such a tenacious and determined child.

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