Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Book Talk Tuesday - 自己的颜色 (A Color of His Own - Leo Lionni)

Leo Lionni is one of our favorite authors at home as his books were amongst one of the first few that Dumpling started reading when she was able to read independently. From a parental viewpoint, I like that his titles caters to the different preschool ages. From simple titles such as Fish is Fish to wordier award winning ones such as Inch by Inch, Alexander and the Wind Up Mouse and Frederick, etc., we did not have a lack of stories to choose from. 

We had the chance, recently, to review some classic titles which have been translated to Chinese and 'A Color of His Own' was one of them. 

Like the English title, Dumpling enjoyed the Chinese version too. The story centres around a chameleon which has no 'permanent' colour of his own. Instead, the chameleon is able to change its colour to match its surroundings. It went on a journey to look for ways to have its own colour and found companionship and friendship along the way. 

The illustrations remain true to the English version where the colours of the various animals are bright and attractive. The story also introduces children to the simple concept of colours in short simple sentences. 

Dumpling enjoys the fact that she is able to now read this title almost independently. The wordier pages are only about 3 - 4 sentences long (as below) so it is manageable for the older preschoolers. 

What I enjoyed was that the story also uses good vocabulary and beautiful descriptive terms such as '冬天的寒风‘ 肩并肩‘, which I feel is great exposure. Though translated to Chinese, the title does not disappoint and in essence, delivers the beauty of the tale and more. A great title for toddler as a read aloud and for the older preschoolers to attempt reading independently! 

Now, I am pleased to share that Read with Me Mommy is sponsoring one copy of this title (hardcover) for a giveaway! 

Earn credits using Rafflecopter below:

(For Singapore residents only)
The more credits you earn, the higher your chances! :)

That's not all! Just for Beanie N Us readers, you stand to enjoy a 10% savings when you key in this code BEANIENUS at the checkout! 

If you have enjoyed this post, please follow me on my Facebook Page where I share my parenting thoughts, food photos (be prepared for tons of them!), early shout outs for giveaways and interact with you, my readers! You can also follow me on Pinterest and Instagram

Disclosure: I received a copy of 自己的颜色 for the purpose of the review and to share my experience. 


  1. Chinese should know how to speak and read Chinese. My boy is in N2 and starting to get interested in chinese

  2. My 3yo boy don't like to read nowadays. Hope this book can spur his interest in reading again.

  3. Hope to get my kids more interested in Chinese.

  4. My children love books by Leo Lionni!

  5. I didn't know Leo Lionni has books translated in Chinese! And since if Audrey can read this, I will gift it to N if I get a lucky win :)

    Thanks for the recommendation Alicia!

    Shirley Yong

  6. We love Leo Lionni books! And since they have in Chinese titles now, the kiddos would be really thrilled to have this classic book in CHINESE!

    Crystal Lee

  7. We already have the English version. When we saw this book in Chinese at the library, we borrowed it immediately without hesitation and we loved it! Yes, you are right about the true to the English version. It would be good to have the Chinese version as well! Thanks for hosting!

    1. Sorry, I forgot to leave my name.
      I am Lilium Day

  8. I need to inculcate love for Chinese in my child!


  9. Leo Lionni is one of our fav authors so a Chinese book would be fab!

  10. Hope to get my son to read more Chinese books.. This book looks interesting and colorful!!

  11. We love Leo Leonni too and this is one of our favourite titles - Would love to read it in Chinese!


  12. Very interesting book, hope to get this for my boy!

  13. Would love more chinese books for my boy! This would interest him.


    Eunice Wee

  14. Looks very interesting! Think I'll get my husband to learn how to read this first, so that he can read it to our son next time. ;)

  15. Really hope to win this title so that I can spend more time reading Chinese story books with my son. Have not been doing that because it seems so much of a habit to read English books instead.

    Thanks for this giveaway, hope to win!



  16. Have been looking for these books!! Great if we win but awesome is knowing where I can get them for the kids! Thank you for sharing :)!

  17. Hope to win! Great book to start reading to build up my son's vocab. Thanks for the giveaway! :)


  18. We have the English version and would love to have the Chinese version as well! Thanks for the giveaway!


  19. thanks so much for hosting the giveaway,hope to win the chinese book,thanks a zillion


  20. love leo leoni books.. hope to win this

