Thursday, January 23, 2014

Through her eyes #3 - My Instrument, My Choice

Some time ago, I briefly mentioned that Dumpling has taken on a new instrument but I did not elaborate because frankly I have no idea how long she will stick with it and I am also not entirely sure if I have the tenacity and perseverance to continue to plow on with her.

Simply put, I have a 'love-hate' relationship with this instrument. I play a keyboard instrument and it was a shock to the system when Dumpling first attended the class and I realised how hard it was. I was totally lost and unprepared for the intensity of this small string instrument. As I was not sure how long Dumpling will stay with this (she chose the instrument, not me and she asked for lessons after hearing it) we picked a basic model for her very first violin.

She has since outgrown the earlier model and I was advised by her teacher to get a new one for her. And so, off to violin shopping we did over the weekend! 

The sale person brought down about 5 violins of her size (from various ranges) and played for her to hear so that she can make a choice. 

When he played it a second round, Dumpling was curious and asked "Shouldn't I be playing it? I need to hear it right? So I should be playing it to see which I like? Why are you playing for me? Can I have it please? I would like to try it on my own - to bow it, feel it, to hear it."

The. Salesperson. Was. Stumped. (And I was looking for a place to hide my face.)

Did I mention that my kid is just a tad over 5YO?

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  1. We let our boy try. Haha. But mostly we decided for him. Just recently upsized to a 1/10th

    1. Dumpling started with a 1/10 so she's upsized to a 1/8th. I do like the sound of this new piece but she's still getting used to the longer fingerboard - she needs to stretch her fingers a bit more

    2. My boy started with a 1/32.But the violins before his current 1/10 are really cheap violins of S$90 each. ;D ... Yah, it'll take a little while to get used to the bigger violin.

  2. Kudos to your little girl, she makes total sense! Hahaha~~~

    1. Hi Maddie, thanks for popping by. The sale person was really nice; explained patiently to her that he usually plays it because a lot of the kiddos are not comfortable playing in public. And then promptly left her to do her thing :p
