Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Book Talk Tuesday - Tell the Time!

Part of my focus for this year is to get Dumpling prepared for formal schooling for P1 and there are some topics which we definitely will be focused on of which includes 'Money', 'Fractions', 'Multiplication', Division' and 'Time'.

'Time' and 'Money' are at the top of my list because the kiddo needs to be able to read time to know for e.g. when her recess is and how much time she is left with as well as how to handle 'Money'. I started her on a broad concept of time last year and she was able to read the the simpler time - 5 o'clock, quarter past, half past, etc. 

At the start of our homeschool (just last week), I devoted the entire Math session to cement the concept further using mainly this book and of course a gear clock. I was pleasantly surprised at how easy and engaging this workbook is. 

The book is mainly a sticker book where it is organised into a few sections - 'o-clock', quarter past, half past, quarter to and digital clocks. At the start of each section, there is page where it explains for e.g. 'what is quarter past'.  

Pic above touches on 'o-clock'...

And on the following page, there are 'greyed out' images for the child to match and paste the correct stickers as well as write down the time in a space provided below. Thereafter, the child is to draw out the hands in the next section below.  

Additionally, I also extended to using a white board for Dumpling to practise on too. :)

The next step for us would be for her to read the precise timing - in blocks of '5' (for e.g. 1.05pm), etc. I have forgotten where I bought this book initially but you can get it from Book Depository here!

This is a continuation of our 'Fun with Math' series where we have explored the concept of money, reading of numbers - digits and value placement and Living Math (taking Math outdoors!).
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  1. Thanks for sharing! Not sure how to teach the quarter ...half past

    1. Hi Fiona,
      Your probably will need to introduce basic fractions (halves and quarters) to the kiddo before you do time. The next step thereafter is that the kiddo will need to be able to count in 5s. :) The book does a decent job of explaining the quarter past, half past and a quarter to (sample in pic 2). If you are doing simple fractions, you will need manipulatives (just use foam sheets) where the kid is able to understand how 2 quarters = half, etc. :) Hope this helps!

  2. Thanks for sharing about the book. Now I know what book to look for when I teach my son about time reading at the later part of the year. :)
