Saturday, April 13, 2013

Saturday Science - making slime!

For Science, Dumpling and I are still exploring the "chemistry" part on "matter". Previously we have made 'Bob the Blob' using Polymer powder. So when we came upon the page on Making Slime, Dumpling was so excited!

Off she went measuring the water...

Good way to introduce "measurement"

The main "ingredient" to make the slime...

And at this point, when we checked the manual, it read that we are to make it green so we had to use the colour tablets. This was a good way to build up from the previous experiment on colour mixing.

Then she asked me a question: 'Mama, do you think that the colours will mix together or they will be 'separated'?" I was very pleased with the question as it shows her thought process. We then made predictions...

So, we tried it out and this was a good chance for me to explain a bit on density... The colours mixed almost immediately into...

We stirred and stirred and waited for a bit (manual said to stir continuously for 5 mins but we found out that it "gel" better when we left it over night...

The slim we made were a tad too watery though it did achieve the slimy effect. So if you are using the same kit as I am, you may wanna add on more of the gravity goo powder!

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