Saturday, December 15, 2012

Advent Activities: Tinsel in the Truth - Favorite Activities for Week 1 :)

We are into week 2 of our Tinsel in the Truth journey and we still are loving it! Here's our favourite sessions from week 1. :)

Reading: Luke 1:5-25

Here we made Zechariah with simple materials available at home. The craft actually calls for bubble for Zechariah's mouth but we did not have any hence we decided to use a "bandaid" concept instead. :p

It was a good discussion on obedience and trust in God for Dumping and I :)

Reading: Luke 1:26-38

Here we made Gabriel the Angel as he was the messenger in bringing the news to Mary. We used the remains of some leftover wrapper for this craft. :) I love that I could recycle all these little odds and ends of supplies at home and turn them into something meaningful and fun for Dumpling.

Again, it was a great discussion as we compare the reaction between Zechariah and Mary. 

Are you using Tinsel in the Truth too? Leave me a comment if you are and I will be happy to visit your blog! :)

This activity is part of an Advent Activities series where my co-host Jennifer and I aim to share on a daily basis the various activities we are doing as we lead into Christmas! 

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PS: Jennifer and I are doing a DVD giveaway as part of her review on Dr. Seuss' How the Grinch stole Christmas. Head on over for some Dr. Seuss whimsical fun! 

If you have any posts where you can share on the spirit of giving (gifts), joy of sharing (resources/tips/ideas) or the importance of loving (musings/parenting thoughts/values, etc.), please do link up and grab our badge!  

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