Thursday, October 25, 2012

Talkative Thursday: Chronicles of Beanie to Dumpling

Children grow so fast that it's scary. I got a bit emo when I was looking at dumpling's hands and feet over the weekend and noted how much bigger they are as compared to when she was a baby. See how tiny her feet were!!!!

The learning curve for me into parenthood was in the first year. It was also the same time that I was battling post natal depression and I just didn't have the energy or was in the right frame of mind to bring her for a studio shoot which I so wanted to do before popping. It was until I was in the second year of mummyhood before we ventured bringing her for it and I got hooked!

We booked a family shoot with The Studio Loft and had solo shots of Dumpling as well as some family photos. :)

Year 1 of shoot - look at the baby face!

Year 1 of shoot - check out her tee! :p

In a rare moment where we have a family pic as the hubs is usually behind the lenses

Since then it's been an annual affair for me to chronicle her growth with my yearly visits to The Studio Loft. I love the first series of pictures when she still has her 'baby fats' and when she looked babyish.

She then seemed to have grown quite suddenly when she was hitting 3 ~ her features are more defined and she looks older, like a little lady. The picture below was a walk-in Children's Day promo with The Studio Loft last year. Their props are always gorgeous and I love the 'doodle' approach they use as it adds an air of child-like innocence and fun to the entire shoot. 

Year 2 of shoot - safari props

This year, their themes were 'row row row your boat' / 'fishing', 'around the world' and 'rockstar' with the same doodle props concept which I have come to associate The Studio Loft with.

They also started an appointment system instead of the walk-ins like previous years so this made it much easier for mums to schedule our time. There was also more 'help' rendered with just 1 photographer but another 2 others on hand to help with coaxing / coaching the kids and the shifting of props. 

Here's Dumpling's "fishing / row row row your boat" photos:

'Around the World' and

and 'Rockstar' (with a dash of attitude to spare!)


It is a special 'journey' for me, this annual shoot that we do. :) I am thankful for a healthy and happy child and I am also thankful to be able to have something to chronicle her growth and I hope to continue through till maybe she is in K2. :) We did an outdoor shoot with a friend a year odd back too. :) I will leave that for another post. Heh

What about you? Do you go for studio shoots too? :)

For the month of October, Susan is celebrating the many things we are thankful to our children for. Here's linking up:

Also linking up with Sandra's Talkative Thursdays

Disclaimer: This is not a sponsored post or did I receive any compensation from The Studio Loft. All opinions are 100% mine. 


  1. The photos taken look great. Now I'm tempted to bring Sophie for a professional photography shoot too. Thanks for linking up and let's keep celebrating our kids.

    1. Thanks Susan and you definitely should consider bringing Sophie for it. It is such a nice thing to have to look back after some years. :)

  2. So beautiful! We had our family shoots professionally taken this year too :) thinking of doing them on a yearly basis... love your photo chronicle!

    Ai @ Sakura Haruka

    1. Hi Ai! I saw yours from Essence Studio and they were lovely! :)
